Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cholesterol -- can your statin drug damage your vision?

Can your statin drug (used to lower cholesterol) damage your vision?

We have seen evidence that this may be so. We have seen cataracts form more quickly with patients on statin drugs. There is evidence that they cause premature aging. The jury is out a this point but see this video by the well respected physician Dr Joseph Mercola, to decide if you really want to take one.

How You CAN excerise to avoid BLINDNESS!

Does Being Blind Scare You? It does me! Know that you can prevent it by staying fit, and here is how even if you have arthritis, back aches etc, that seems to keep you from exercising.

Do people really go blind? According to the National Eye Institute, Blindness or low vision affects 3.3 million Americans age 40 and over, or on in 28.

This figure is his figure is expected to be as much as 1 in 14 by the year 2020. The study reports that low vision and blindness increase significantly with age, particularly in people over age 65. .

What can you do to prevent it? Exercise is key to keeping your health and of course that means your eye sight. Everyone has a gut feeling that you should do something physical on a daily basis but many of us find excuses such as: "I have back pain" or "I have arthritis" or many others. The good news is that exercise and some dietary changes can help these aches vanish and make you feel years younger. Here is a program of simple things do to to at least get started. The inflammation that hurts in your joints and keeps you from exercising is the same inflammation that can make you lose your vision and many other joys of life. Here is how to reduce your inflammation:
  1. Begin walking or riding a bike immediately and build up to an hour at least 5 days a week (get medical supervision if you are really debilitated).
  2. Take a Teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil daily, Nordic Naturals is a great product.
  3. Cut out carbohydrates very strictly for 2 weeks (about 20 carbs per day). For most people this will have a dramatic effect on inflammation and help you lose some weight. However not everyone can live on a low carb diet. Here is a great source of information on how to alter your diet safely with a great nutrition plan.
  4. Stay on a lower carb diet permanently, if it is right for you. - there are some trade offs with keeping your health and getting older. Remember FELLING older is a both a chronological change and a cumulative effect of poor diet and lack of exercise. A good part of it can be reversed! A small percentage of the population needs a higher carb diet. To learn if you belong there, take the "Eat right for your body type test" on For learn more about body typing -- click here.
  5. Avoid pesticides and hormones in your food, consider organic if possible.
  6. If you eat beef, get grass fed beef by purchasing a cow from a natural farmer and sharing the cost with friends, It can be quite affordable in this manner.
  7. Avoid fish that are farm raised or Atlantic as we have poisoned the ocean with mercury.
  8. Avoid processed foods that contain artificial ingredients
  9. Try to eat as many raw foods as possible. You can safely get good raw fats from Nuts, Avocados and Coconuts. Eat salads frequently and use natural dressings made from virgin olive oil and vinegar or lemon. Cesar dressings are very safe.
This should be a good start. We have reversed macular degeneration in patients who were willing to make life style changes before things got serious. Don't let yourself ever fall into that group!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Low Carb Chocolate

Have you ever had a craving for Dark Chocolate but wanted to stay on your diet?   Here is the answer to your dream of having both.   This recipe takes about 10 minutes to make and everyone will love it!  Dr J's Low Carb Chocolate:

  1. 6 Squares of bakers chocolate - unsweetened
  2. 3/4  stick of organic butter
  3. Stevia (natural sweetener)
  4. Xylitol (natural sweetener)
  5. Vanilla Extract
Place the chocolate in a glass baking dish lining the bottom of the dish with the squares.  Put it over a very low fire to slowly melt the chocolate.  When it is 1/2 melted,  add the butter cut into small squares to melt quickly.  Stir in 1/2 teaspoon of Stevia pure white powder.   Add 4 tablespoons of Xylitol.  Finally mix in 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla.   Stir the mix and  then place it in the freezer for about 1/2 hour.    That's all there is to it!

For fun,  you can add Almonds,  small amounts of raisins (high in carbs!),  and I like to substitute peanut butter for butter and make a peanut dark chocolate.   This will help you stay on a low carb diet and not miss the occasional chocolate fix!

Dr J